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2020-06-08 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 作者: 閱讀量: 手機閱讀










 Task 3 的一個常用模板為:In the reading passage, the school makes an announcement that it will....because...and.... But in the listening passage, the student shows her disagreement with this announcement for two reasons. First.... Second.... 此模板單詞數(shù)為32,本身不長,但是對于一些基礎較差、語速很慢的學生來說,只讀完這個模板所需時間可能長達至少10s,可能導致最后聽力細節(jié)來不及說完而丟分。在考生對此模板已經(jīng)非常熟悉之后,完全可以簡化模板,將重點和時間放在reading和listening的核心內(nèi)容上,托?谡Z是踩點給分的,不是按照模板給分,即只要讓考官聽到關鍵點,考生就能得分。模板說的再全再漂亮,閱讀和聽力中的關鍵點說不全照樣會丟分。比如我們可以將模板簡化成以下內(nèi)容:The school plans to ....because... and.... But the student thinks it’ll be a terrible idea because first..., second.... 這樣模板被簡化為只有18個單詞,比之前少了將近一半的篇幅。在變得簡單易表達的同時,邏輯依然清晰。這樣考生會有更多時間來詳細復述閱讀和聽力中的重點內(nèi)容。

 再以Task 5“學生問題”為例: 

Task5的一個常見模板為 The student has a problem that he.... There are two possible solutions for him. First, he could... Second, he could... I’d prefer the first/second solution for 2 reasons. First,... Second... (46詞),task5本身聽力細節(jié)就很多,考生經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)因為模板拖沓浪費時間最后無法將所聽內(nèi)容全部答完的問題。我們完全可以簡化該模板:The student can’t... He could choose to...or to.... I’d prefer the first solution because he could...and...這樣原來的模板就被簡化為21個單詞。并且利落很多,邏輯依然清晰。

 Eg: Tpo10 Task5 

Listening: (woman) Is there a problem with the electricity? 

 (man) Yeah, this storm knocked out power all over the city. And they’re saying it might be several hours before we have electricity again. 

 (woman) Oh, no! I have a history paper due tomorrow and I’ve been writing it on my lap top computer and the battery’s running low. I am going to need electricity soon.

  (man) Well, you know, Jefferson City still has electricity. And there is a library there where you can plug in lap top. You could go over there to work on your paper. It’s only about a twenty-minute drive.

  (woman) That’s a good idea. Of course I’d have to pack up all my stuff and it is raining outside.

  (man) Yeah, that’s true. Well, why don’t you just ask the professor for an extension? You know, tomorrow when you go to class just ask him if he would give you an extra day to get the paper done. I’m pretty sure he’d agree. You know, with the storm and all.

  (woman) Yeah, that should be a lot easier. But then he did tell us when he gave us the assignment that he wouldn’t grant any extension.

  (man) You don’t think he’d grant an exception in that case?

  (woman) I’m not sure. It’s a little risky. He might just say that we shouldn’t have waited until the last minute. 

 (man) Yeah, but, maybe if other students have the same problem you might be able to convince him. 

 (woman) Yeah, I mean, it’s not our fault that the electricity went out. Hmmm... 

如果按照第一個模板,答案如下:The woman has a problem that there is a problem with the electricity in her city due to a storm but she has to write a history paper which is due tomorrow and her lap top’s battery is running low. There are two possible solutions for her. First, she could go to another city nearby which has electricity and use the library there to finish her paper. Second, she could ask the professor for a deadline extension. I’d prefer the second solution for two reasons. First, although the professor did say when giving students the assignment that he wouldn’t grant any extension, in this case he may make an exception especially when there are other students having the same problem. After all, it is not the students’ fault that there is a blackout in the city. Second, if the girl goes to another city, she has to pack up all her stuff and it is raining outside. It will be a lot of trouble. (171詞) 

我們簡化模板,答案如下:The woman has to write a history paper which is due tomorrow and her lap top’s battery is running low but there is a blackout in her city due to a storm. She could choose to go to another city nearby which has electricity and use the library there to finish her paper or she could ask the professor for a deadline extension. I’d prefer asking for an extension because although the professor did say when giving students the assignment that he wouldn’t grant any extension, in this case he may make an exception especially when there are other students having the same problem. After all, it is not the students’ fault that there is a black out in the city. Also, if the girl goes to another city, she has to pack up all her stuff and it is raining outside. It will be a lot of trouble. (156詞)



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